Adrien Mondot is no stranger to multidisciplinary work. Alongside his collaborator Claire Bardainne, Mondot has merged visual, musical, technological, and digital media through the eponymous Adrien M & Claire B studio. Piano piano is one such project, achieving a unique interplay between music and light.
First conceived in 2023, Piano piano is a collaboration between the musician David Babin and Mondot. The two men met 20 years ago at an avant-garde venue and, during the development stages for Piano piano, they envisioned the project as a sort of reunion. To capture this sensation, the piece stages an evocative encounter between Babin’s music and Mondot’s visual art.
Like many immersive installations or performances, Piano piano unfolds on a stage. Babin—now known primarily as Babx—forgoes his familiar singing and finds himself alone with his piano and the instrumental repertoire from his latest album, Une maison avec un piano dedans (A House with a Piano Inside). As he plays, Mondot curates abstract and dreamlike visuals that directly respond to the music, flowing and bursting across the stage’s floor like undulating waves.
Combining musical and visual art isn’t necessarily new, but Mondot and Babin’s interpretation evokes a sense of intimacy given their long friendship. The two artists approach one another through their respective media, and, through their unity, produce a space for daydreaming, experimentation, joy, and play.
“The piano, [Mondot, and Babin] become the protagonists of a dreamlike stroll between abstraction and impressionism,” the project’s description reads. “Imbued with the simple blend of a soundscape and a visual world, the image embodies the missing notes of the music, and vice versa.”
Mondot and Babin have been performing Piano piano since 2023, with several shows and broadcasts slated for 2025. To explore the upcoming schedule, visit the Adrien M & Claire B website.
Multidisciplinary artist Adrien Mondot and musician David Babin have conceived of Piano piano, a beautiful performance that combines visual art with the act of playing the piano.
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Performed on a stage, it involves Babin playing the piano while Mondot curates abstract and dreamlike visuals that directly respond to the music.
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Adrien Mondot and David Babin have been friends for 20 years, imbuing a unique sense of intimacy into the piece.
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Adrien M & Claire B: Website | Instagram
Babx (David Babin): Instagram
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