Photoshop Troll “Fixes” People’s Photos by Taking Their Requests Way Too Literally

Funny Photoshop Troll James Fridman

Photoshop is a powerful tool with infinite possibilities for folks with creative minds. And if they have an expert-level understanding of the program, these photo manipulation masters can make anything happen. Digital artist James Fridman, a funny Photoshop troll, does just this; he takes user requests to “fix” their pictures, then interprets their directions literally. The results are often as outrageous as they are hilarious.

The only thing you can expect from Fridman taking your request is that the new image will be something totally unexpected. In one of his most popular Photoshop “corrections,” a guy asked Fridman to close his girlfriend’s eyes while they were kissing. Fridman’s solution? Get a random arm to cover her eyes up! That’s not even one of his silliest fixes—that honor goes to the woman who wanted her head to appear less round. Fridman gave her a rectangle-shaped noggin to share with the world.

The people submitting their photos to Fridman know that he’s going to give them something funny in return, which makes his project all the more successful—everyone is in on the joke. If you have a photo that needs fixing, Fridman explains how to do so on his website.

Funny Photoshop troll James Fridman will “fix” a picture you send him… by taking your request literally.

While Fridman pokes fun at many folks, he’s also sensitive to those who might be struggling with their body image and offers words of encouragement.

James Fridman: Website | Twitter | Facebook
h/t: [Neatorama]

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