Photoshop Battle Results in Hilarious Images of Old Lady Feeding a Squirrel with a Puppet

One of the most LOL-worthy corners of the internet is undoubtedly the subreddit Photoshop Battles, which is described as “a place to have fun with everyone’s favorite graphic software.” In an amusing example of a typical PsBattle, a Reddit user recently challenged fellow Redditors to create Photoshopped variations of the same image of an old woman using a puppet of herself to feed a squirrel. As one might imagine, the results are absolutely hilarious.

Some users chose to play around with the subjects of the photo, switching the old lady, the puppet, the squirrel, or even the bystander with each other. Others, inspired by the aesthetic of films like Pirates of the Caribbean or Michael Bay productions, added grandiose visual effects, such as in the cinematic shot of the elderly woman standing at the center of a whirlpool. A few Redditors even got meta on us, creating images that show the woman controlling an infinite line of puppets of herself, or being controlled by the squirrel itself in a circle of puppetry.

For more humorous demonstrations of imagination and Photoshop prowess, be sure to check out other PsBattles on Reddit.

Above: Original image





Danirama and eraldopontopdf




via [Reddit]

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