18 Adorable Photos of Animals Caught in a Warm Embrace

Call it snuggling, hugging or cuddling. When our day is just not going right, all we need is a sweet embrace. From cats to polar bears, we’ll show you how the world’s animals are a lot like us. They need that tender touch to just get through the day. It’s the body’s way of saying, “Take a deep breath. It’s going to be ok.”

Photo above: Ray Morris

via: Viralnova

Photo: Kemal Cellat

Photo: Emanuel Papamanolis

Photo: David Rayside

Photo: Roeselien Raimond

Photo: Evan

Photo: Eva Christine

Photo: Vincent Chopard

Photo: Sabine Reuss

Photo: Black Cat Photos

Photo: Sergei Gladyshev

Photo: Tin Man

Photo: Amanda

Photo: Ryan Chow

Photo: Angie Bell

Photo: Elliot Barnathan

via: HD Wallpaper

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