Crow Takes a Joyride on an Unsuspecting Eagle’s Back

When bird photographer Phoo Chan first noticed a crow flying overhead, he was astonished by an unusual turn of events. Within moments, the photographer witnessed the sight of a crow landing on the back of an eagle and, luckily, captured this bizarre joyride. Browsing through the unexpected series of photos, it’s made apparent that the crow was initially flying directly above the eagle, but quickly landed and actually put its wings down once it settled in.

The experienced photographer, who has been featured by National Geographic, knows that crows are typically territorial. So, Chan stopped and stared when the sleek, black bird did not try to intimidate its larger companion. What was even more interesting was that the bald eagle did not seem to care when the crow used its back to take a quick rest. Chan explained on Bored Panda that it was as if the crow “was taking a free scenic ride and the eagle simply obliged.”

Phoo Chan: 500px | Facebook | Flickr 
via [Bored Panda]

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