Powerful Photos of Majestic African Elephants Highlight Their Familial Bond

Photographer Peter Delaney captures majestic African elephants in a series of gorgeous and candid images. The South African transplant catches the creatures trotting along the plains, dusting themselves, and drinking water from a shallow pond. With a cloudless sky and little shade, you get a sense of just how hot it is on the savanna. Delaney’s photos also showcase a heart-warming familial bond between the gentle giants as they touch trunks and move together in large groups.

A 2001 trip to Africa began a new chapter in the photographer’s life. Overwhelmed by the continent’s size, Delaney traveled to the forest of Bwindi, the peaks of Kilimanjaro and Mount Kenya, as well as the shores of Lake Malawi. And for the past five years, he’s honed his skills as a fine art photographer to translate that passion into images like these. “My wish,” Delaney writes, “is to transport the viewer, inspire and to ignite a passion for all life and environs on our wonderful planet.”

Peter Delaney website
via [Lost At E Minor]

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