Exquisite Wedding Portraits Capture a View of the Bride Reflected in Their Beloved’s Eye

Unconventional Image Of Couple's Wedding Day

Photographer Peter Adams-Shawn of Memories of Tomorrow Photography is known for the unconventional way in which he captures happy couples on their wedding day. Using reflections as the conceptual jumping-off point, we’ve previously marveled at his series Ringscapes that displays minuscule portraits of the newlyweds in the glint of their wedding rings. In a sister project, Adams-Shawn has created Eyescapes, which features one half of the couple (often the bride) reflected in their lover’s eye.

Impressively, all of the images in Eyescapes are created as single exposures—there aren’t any digital composites assembled later. Everything is “done in-camera on the wedding day,” Adams-Shawn told us in an email. The results are often subtle, and you’ve got to carefully look beyond the subject’s eye to see the small figure in the reflection. Once you discover that mirrored person, however, you get the sense of how their beloved views them—it looks a lot like love.

Minuscule Portrait Of Bride On Wedding DayBride's Reflection As Focal Point Of PortraitBride Reflected In Lover's EyeSmall Figure Of Bride In Beloved's ViewUnconventional Portrait Captured Of Happy Couple On Wedding DayTiny Reflection Of Bride And MotherTiny Portrait Of Bride On Wedding DayBridal Gown Reflected In Bride's Eye On Wedding DayUnconventional Portrait Captured Of Wedding DayPeter Adams-Shawn: Website | Facebook

My Modern Met granted permission to use photos by Peter Adams-Shawn.

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