Delightful Animation Turns Everyday Objects into a Giant Sandwich

Director and stop-motion animator PES recently released a delightfully imaginative short film that puts a creative spin on everyday objects. Titled Submarine Sandwich, the animation transports us to an old deli that, instead of meat, features items like footballs, soccerballs, and boxing gloves in its display case. The butcher slices them thin and by doing so reveals other objects like embroidered patches, playing cards, and ViewMaster reels. Bicycle reflectors and googley eyes are also included, along with a myriad of other fun things that you wouldn’t expect. Together, they make an epic sandwich!

PES’ fantastical piece was inspired by the classic delis in 1920s-era New York City, and it’s where the submarine sandwich was born. He spent three years thinking about and preparing for the animation before taking to Kickstarter to help with funding.

Submarine Sandwich is the third short animation in PES’ cooking trilogy. You might be familiar with Western Spaghetti and Fresh Guacamole, which was the shortest film to ever be nominated for an Oscar. They too combine food and objects in amazing ways.

PES website
via [Colossal]

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