Cutting-Edge Jet Capsule is a Cozy New Powerboat

Looking as if it has just launched out of a sci-fi or spy film, the Jet Capsule is a contemporary take on small-scale recreational boating. Created by Italian designer Perpaolo Lazzarini, the egg-shaped vessel measures nearly 25 feet in length and houses a 325 horsepower diesel engine, allowing for cruising speeds up to 25 knots. Other features include a sunbathing upper deck, roomy eight person interior, and even bright underwater and interior lights for nighttime cruises.

Perpaolo Lazzarini says the main idea behind the Jet Capsule was to have “a boat small enough to be easily maneuvered, yet spacious enough to take a handful of friends out for drinks, over to a port for an evening’s entertainment.” Be sure to check out the video, below, to see the boat in action during the day and night.

Pierpaolo Lazzarini’s website

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