Artist Illustrates How Animals Make Even the Simplest Moments Seem So Much Better

Animal and Character Illustrations by Peijin Yang

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Pet owners know that people and animals can have a special bond. Even an ordinary day can be made more joyous with the company of a four-legged friend. Munich-based artist Peijin Yang captures these heartwarming moments between dogs, cats, and humans in her series of charming illustrations.

From creating art with a golden retriever to lounging with the company of a sweet tabby cat, her digital paintings always look on the bright side of life. To convey this sense of bliss in her art, Yang typically uses a vibrant color palette with plenty of warm tones. So, whether the characters are relaxing outdoors or sitting next to a window indoors, they are bathed in a golden radiant light.

Yang’s art has garnered a large following on Instagram, and the artist even shares her tips on how to make Procreate and Photoshop art on her Patreon account. Her own creative journey began a little over two years ago when she gave up an engineering career for art. Now, she wants to help others find their own way of becoming artists.

You can purchase prints of Peijin’s artwork via her Etsy shop, and keep up to date with her latest projects by following the artist on Instagram.

Munich-based artist Peijin Yang creates charming illustrations which depict the loving relationship between animals and their humans.

Illustrations by Peijin YangAnimal and Character Illustrations by Peijin Yang

She uses Procreate to render her expressive illustrations.

Animal and Character Illustrations by Peijin YangAnimal and Character Illustrations by Peijin YangAnimal and Character Illustrations by Peijin YangAnimal and Character Illustrations by Peijin YangAnimal and Character Illustrations by Peijin YangAnimal and Character Illustrations by Peijin YangAnimal and Character Illustrations by Peijin YangAnimal and Character Illustrations by Peijin YangAnimal and Character Illustrations by Peijin YangAnimal and Character Illustrations by Peijin YangAnimal and Character Illustrations by Peijin YangAnimal and Character Illustrations by Peijin YangPeijin Yang: Etsy | ArtStation | Instagram | Patreon

My Modern Met granted permission to feature photos by Peijin Yang.

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