Sweet Photos of Dogs with Their Best Friends

As the Scottish Master Pet Photographer of the Year for the past five years, you could say that Paul Walker has clearly been recognized for his talents. His passion for animals began early, at the tender young age of five, when he started snapping photos of his family’s pets which included dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs and a duck. It would be years later, when he was inspired by photographers John Drysdale and Elliott Erwitt, that he would find his own, unique voice. Instead of taking photos that involved studio sets or white backgrounds, he decided he would capture animals in a style that reflects their own personality.

Look through his website and you’ll find a special gallery called Best Friends where he shows, not only touching images of dogs with their owners, but also photos of dogs relaxing or playing with their own family and friends. It’s an interesting twist because we’re used to seeing photos from the owner’s point of view, hence the saying “man’s best friend,” rather than from the dog’s.

As he writes, “Sometimes pets best friends are their other animal buddies. Or sometimes when people have let you down, our pets are there to be more of a support than our human companions. We miss them dearly when they are no longer around and this gallery is devoted to friendship between pets and pets and their handlers.”

Paws Pet Photography website
Photos via [Paul Walker], [Daily Mail]

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