Thought-Provoking Photos Tell Deep Stories Inspired by Andrew Wyeth Paintings

Photobook Collection Paul Ernest

Award-winning fine art photographer Paul Ernest has recently curated his first photobook titled May I Tell You a Story… The collection features over 75 thought-provoking images that look like scenes from mythic tales of yore. “These images are not just my story. They are our story. They’re the story of those who came before us, and of those who will come after us. They’re our children’s children’s story,” explains Ernest.

Ernest has long been inspired by the work of visual artist Andrew Wyeth, who creates realist paintings that still manage have a unique surreal quality. Ernest sees his own work as a modern version of this concept. Using photography as his medium, Ernest uses Photoshop to transmogrify his images into stories, rich with “surrealistic messages.” Each image is like something you might see in a dream, such as a man in the green countryside, happily playing cello to no one but his dog, or a woman “fishing” in the middle of a waterless meadow, against a lilac, clouded sky.

Each image is accompanied by Paul’s own interpretation and message to the viewer. In one particular image, titled Ruth, a woman stands confidently in a sun-flooded wheat field. The story reads: “Reaching out of this beautiful print is a vision of loyalty and honor. Ruth scans the horizon in pensive thought. Bold and steadfast, she stoically awaits the dawning of a new day with all of its hopes and dreams giving her the strength she needs to do what needs to be done.”

Some of the images have triggered intense emotions from viewers, serving as a form of visual therapy. When he asked two of his clients—both behavioral therapists—why this might be, they told him that people can identify with his work “in a way that allows them to open up and/or grow in their own unique way.”

With the help of a Kickstarter campaign, Ernest hopes to publish his photo book by spring 2018. You can find more of Ernest’s work on his website.

Fine art photographer Paul Ernest has recently curated his first photobook titled May I Tell You a Story…

Photobook Collection Paul ErnestPhotobook Collection Paul ErnestPhotobook Collection Paul ErnestPhotobook Collection Paul Ernest

The collection features over 75 thought-provoking images that look like scenes from mythic tales of old.

Photobook Collection Paul ErnestPhotobook Collection Paul ErnestPhotobook Collection Paul ErnestPhotobook Collection Paul ErnestPhotobook Collection Paul ErnestPhotobook Collection Paul ErnestPhotobook Collection Paul ErnestPhotobook Collection Paul ErnestPhotobook Collection Paul Ernest

You can support Ernest’s goal to make his photo book a reality via Kickstarter.

[kickstarter url= width=750]

Paul Ernest: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Kickstarter

My Modern Met granted permission to use photos by Paul Ernest.

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