Dad’s Instagram of Hotel Carpet Photos Goes Viral, Gets 500K Followers in One Week

My Hotel Carpet Dad Instagram

Working as a pilot, Bill Young spends a lot of time traveling and has stayed in many hotels all over the world. After some time moving from one hotel to the next, Young realized a common design theme—each hotel featured different “funky and interesting” patterned carpets. The globe-trotter—who also has a passion for photography—decided to catalog them on Instagram. At first, Young used his personal account, until his wife suggested he make a profile dedicated to hotel carpets. And so @myhotelcarpet was born, sporting the caption “I travel for a living. Stay in a lot of hotels. See a lot of carpet.”

From floral patterns in Japan’s Nagoya Marriott Associa Hotel, to kaleidoscopic corridors of the Choctaw Casino, depending on your personal taste, each carpet is either a feast for the eyes or a potential migraine trigger. Young’s first @myhotelcarpet photo was published August 27th, 2015 from Cincinnati Airport, and since then, he’s managed to gather a humble 83 followers. However, everything changed when Young’s 19-year-old daughter, Jill, shared @myhotelcarpet on Twitter, asking the world wide web for one simple wish: “All I Want For Christmas is for my Dad’s hotel carpet Instagram to go viral, please help this happen.”

In just a matter days, Young’s Instagram account had exploded into Internet stardom. Overwhelmed by notifications, Young claims he had to turn on airplane mode when his phone started “almost melting down.” Delighted, Jill responded “thank you for making my christmas dream come true, this literally insane.” As of today, he has amassed 614k patterned carpet loving fans.

Pilot, traveler, and photographer Bill Young shares Instagram images of beautifully patterned carpets he finds in hotels all over the world.

Lobby carpet in #boston #rennaissancehotel

A post shared by Bill Young (@myhotelcarpet) on

My Boston hotel room carpet. Reminds me of the ocean. #hotelcarpet

A post shared by Bill Young (@myhotelcarpet) on

Hotel Restaurant. #Marriott #Travel #hotelcarpetsoftheworld

A post shared by Bill Young (@myhotelcarpet) on

#hotelcarpet #Nagoya #marriottassociahotel . One of my favorite hotels.

A post shared by Bill Young (@myhotelcarpet) on

Saw this #Mayan inspired #hotelcarpet at the wonderful @theadolphushotel in #dallas

A post shared by Bill Young (@myhotelcarpet) on

Here is today’s #hotelcarpet from my hotel in #rotterdam . It’s #raining and I have wicked #jetlag . #layover

A post shared by Bill Young (@myhotelcarpet) on

Another #hotelcarpet at the #Allen #Texas Courtyard Marriott. I like the #red. #layover #longnightahead

A post shared by Bill Young (@myhotelcarpet) on

My first #German #hotelcarpet from here in #Hannover. Now I’m off to find some beer and bratwurst. #layover

A post shared by Bill Young (@myhotelcarpet) on

My #HotelCarpet #Cincinnati Airport #Marriott. I kinda like it. #travel #photography #imbored

A post shared by Bill Young (@myhotelcarpet) on

His daughter and long-term fan, Jill, tweeted one wish: that her dad’s Instagram account would go viral.

Soon after, @myhotelcarpet exploded into internet stardom.

Bill Young: Website | Instagram
h/t: [PetaPixelNeatorama]

All images via @myhotelcarpet.

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