Artist Delicately Cuts Paper to Look Like Whimsical Illustrations

Artist Parth Kothekar produces paper masterpieces with nothing more than a knife and a pair of steady hands. Sketching out his designs on single sheets of paper, with a simple paper-cutting knife in hand, he transforms his fragile medium of choice into intricate, incredibly delicate pieces of art. Every piece is painstakingly carved out by hand, yet the resulting whimsical works belie the labour involved in the process. Each playful piece looks like a floating doodle from an artist’s personal sketchbook, skillfully hiding the intensive process behind its creation.

Originally from Ahmedabad, India, Kothekar found that he naturally gravitated towards working with silhouettes and graffiti stencils. After beginning to cut paper as a hobby, he found a passion for the process, which he continues to actively pursue as a professional artist today. His amazingly illustrated paper cuts are inspired by what he observes in the world around him. As he explains:  “My artworks are based on everyday aspects of life. If it is challenging, it motivates me. The thing with paper cuts is that one doesn’t know the final output until the end. I have an assumption of what it might look like and that is what I work with. It is the curiosity of finding out if I have got it that keeps me going.”

The patience and dedication that he puts towards his craft is apparent in his delicate pieces that contain an amazing level of intricate detail. Kothekar is able to extract a feeling of life from a single sheet of paper, creating delightful pieces that embody a sense of joyful animation.

A number of Kothekar’s delicate creations are available to purchase on Etsy.

Parth Kothekar: InstagramEtsy | Facebook
via [Creative Boom]

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