Thought-Provoking Art Made With Ordinary White Sheets of Paper

Peter Callesen Paper Sculpture Of Songbird In Flight Over Cutout Of Fighter Jet

For centuries, artists have been creating paper art in one way or another. Contemporary artists like Peter Callesen, however, have been pushing the envelope of what is possible with the material in new and inventive ways. By utilizing his colorful imagination and eye for detail, Callesen is able to transform ordinary sheets of white copy paper into magnificent miniature sculptures.

Whether he is sculpting realistic songbirds or playful skeletons, all of Callesen’s work requires a careful and steady hand. The artist crafts each of his sculptures to closely resemble their real-life counterparts and also utilizes the space below his creations to tell the story. Many of his artworks play with depth, and one of the ways Callesen does this is by cutting up a sheet of paper in order to make the ground beneath a sculpture look cracked or textured.

There is a tragic beauty in many of Callesen’s sculptures as the Danish artist explores dichotomy. Beneath his exquisite sculpture of a little songbird, the artist has carefully cut an outline of a fighter jet, contrasting the peaceful creatures and destructive creations that soar in the skies. In another sculpture, a pondering skeleton stares down at the cutout of a human man, reminiscing about the past. Callesen’s sculptures may be physically tiny, but the ideas that they are grappling with definitely are not.

Though much of his portfolio features small-scale works, he has also created some extraordinary life-size pieces. Regardless of size, the main commonality among all of his work is the deeper meaning behind each carefully crafted piece. Whether it’s a reflection on mortality or a recognition of humankind’s impact on the environment, Callesen’s paper art begs the viewer to stop and think.

To keep up with Callesen’s work, you can follow him on Instagram. You can also purchase some of his art in his online shop.

Peter Callesen is a Danish artist who brilliantly crafts sculptures out of ordinary paper.

Peter Callesen Paper Sculpture Of Icy Shipwreck

Paper Art by Peter Callesen

His sculptures, which are normally quite small, require careful craftsmanship and painstaking attention to detail.

Peter Callesen Paper Sculpture Of Feathered Wings Rising Out Of Book

The artist often plays with depth and texture in his work to create some truly imaginative pieces.

Peter Callesen Paper Sculpture Of Wave Made Of People

Many of his creations explore difficult ideas of mortality and human impact on the environment.

Peter Callesen Paper Sculpture Of Fallen Human Skeleton

Peter Callesen Paper Sculpture Of Skeleton Staring At Cutout Of Person

Peter Callesen With A Miniature Skeleton Made Of Paper

Peter Callesen Sculpture Of Footprints And Hole In Ice

Peter Callesen Paper Sculpture Of Ship

Paper Art by Peter Callesen

Paper Art by Peter Callesen

Peter Callesen Paper Sculpture Of Raft With Sail

Peter Callesen: Website | Instagram | Facebook

My Modern Met granted permission to feature photos by Peter Callesen.

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