Cat Begins to Guard and Comfort Baby Before He’s Even Born

Since before her human baby companion was even born, Panda the cat has been working to keep him safe. “Once I got pregnant she started following me around the house, tucking her head on my belly, purring. She loved him and kept him safe for 9 months inside, now she does the same on the outside! Unconditional love!” Liel Ainmar Assayag, Panda’s human, told Love Meow. “Now, 3 months later, she jumps on the bed near him, smells him, sits next to him. You can clearly see she loves him from the beginning!”

Though the 2.5-year-old feline now adores her household’s new addition, she was a bit confused when he first arrived. Panda soon took a moment to smell the baby boy, realized he was her friend, and has been staying close by him ever since. Assayag made sure to add, “The cats are not allowed in the baby’s bed when the baby is in the crib, but every time I put the baby in the crib I can see lots of cat fur all over the bed–they were guarding the bed for him. They call me at night when the baby is crying, laying down beside him to keep him safe…”

We have a feeling that Panda will end up being a great babysitter.

via [Bored Panda, Love Meow]

All photos via Liel Ainmar Assayag

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