Man Solves 20-Year-Old Family Mystery During Toast at His Brother’s Wedding

Some people see wedding speeches as a great opportunity to praise the bride and groom, or maybe crack some jokes. But for a man named Dylan Hannum, it offered the perfect chance to put a family mystery to bed. After over 20 years of hiding a secret, he finally came clean to his older brother, David, the groom, and his best friend Mark.

In a video that has since gone viral, the younger Hannum is seen delivering his wedding speech. Like many before him, he begins telling a story about when he and the groom were kids. The man reminisces about a time when he was around 8 year old, when Dave and Mark were over at his house playing paintball at his house. “I love playing paintball myself,” he says while the groom looks somewhat uncomfortable, wondering where this tale might lead.

“So when Mark came over and wanted to play, I asked if I could join and they shot me down like any older brother would do to any little brother,” he continues. “But like any other little brother, I ran upstairs, I got my stuff anyway and I was gonna follow them, whether they liked it or not.” The kid wasn’t going to let it slide that easily. “When I got my stuff and came downstairs, they were gone. So I picked a couple of Mark’s paintballs and I threw them at the house next door.”

Upon making sense of the story, the groom and his friend look up with disbelief from their tables. “Wait, wait, wait,” he lets out, while his lifelong friend screams, “No way!” The younger brother resumes his story, sharing how the groom reassured the neighbors and his parents that it couldn’t have been either of them. Both men are shocked, and the groom reveals that he got in a lot of trouble for that back in the day. Since the neighbors didn’t believe the kids at the time, they had to clean it up. “I knew I was going to have to tell eventually but boy, I was really wanting to watch TV that day. So I bring this up 20 years later, as a wedding gift to him for closure, that I’m the one who threw those paintballs. So thank you for letting me watch TV that night.”

The crowd erupted in applause, including the two falsely accused men. Despite the tardy reveal, they smiled with delight. Not only is closure a memorable and free gift, but this story also offers a glimpse into the lifelong friendship between two brothers. Maybe, just maybe, that’s the real gift.

In a video that has since gone viral, a man put a 20-year-old family mystery to bed during a wedding speech. He was the one to blame in a shenanigan that put his older brother, the groom, in a lot of trouble when they were kids.

h/t: [Reddit]

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