Artist Creates Elegant Tattoos as Permanent Reminders of Nature’s Beauty

oshin timoshin floral tattoos

Ukranian tattoo artist Oshin Timoshin is a rising star known for his work inspired by flora and fauna. Just 23-years-old, he’s already been creating nature inspired tattoos for the past six years. Whether in pale, washed-out colors or using delicate black lines, his elegant tattoos dance across the skin.

The aesthetic choice to focus on nature tattoos is purposeful. Timoshin, whose real name is Sergey, shares, “In these times of uncertainty, nature is our only fulcrum left.” Through his work, the young tattoo artist is solidifying a bond between his clients and the natural world.

For him, tattooing is a way to enhance one’s body, putting extra value into it by living with a constant reminder of what’s important. Of his subject matter he explains, “They are timeless designs, celebrating life and remembering to stay humble in front of something that has existed before us and will still exist after us. We need to take care of nature, to remind its miracle. We can do it with art and tattoos.”

His philosophies are a reminder to dig deeply into the permanent markings placed on the body. As imagery that will last a lifetime, it’s essential to feel connected to and inspired by the art that graces the skin.

See more of Oshin Timoshin’s timeless nature tattoos.

oshin timoshin nature tattoososhin timoshin floral tattoososhin timoshin nature tattoososhin timoshin floral tattoososhin timoshin floral tattoososhin timoshin nature tattoososhin timoshin couples tattoososhin timoshin floral tattoososhin timoshin nature tattoosOshin Timoshin: Instagram
h/t: [Design Taxi]

All images via Oshin Timoshin.

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