School Gym Transformed Into Island with Permanent Marker

The amazing things that artists can do with a simple pen or pencil are limitless. So it’s not surprising, although it is especially impressive, to see this detailed island landscape created completely with a black permanent marker. Entitled Oiwa Island 2, the public art installation was drawn by Brazilian artist Oscar Oiwa on plastic sheets that covered the walls and floors of an abandoned school gym on Ibuki Island.

Using only black and white, Oiwa covered the space with intricate, repetitive patterns, scenes of nature, and amazing details that viewers were invited to walk across and inspect from different points of view. Set within a dome-shaped room, the illustrations completely consumed viewers as they enter the rounded space, leaving them to explore the great details of the fictional island.

Oscar Oiwa’s website
Photo credit: David Billa
via [Ogijima], [Skumar’s]

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