Stunning Modern House Blends in with Joshua Tree’s Desert

This impressive house in Joshua Tree, California is a stunning example of modern architecture. Designed by architect Kendrick Bangs Kellogg and built from 1988 to 1993, the Organic Modern Estate physically blends in with the desert in terms of design and the elements used to construct the residence. The strength of the hard and rugged protective shell exterior brings to mind the rocky landscape that surrounds the estate. The materials used in construction, including concrete, steel, glass, and copper, were selected to create textures that mimic the touch and feel of the desert.

In contrast to the hard-shelled exterior, the interior (designed by interior designer John Vugrin) is a warm, intimate space filled with flowing curves and organic design that makes use of the natural texture of the building. Natural light streams in through openings that separate the towering concrete panels. According to the architect, this juxtaposition between rugged exterior and gently curving interior “highlights the masculine and feminine forms that are the hallmark of organic architecture.”

This unique desert house is currently listed on the US market for $3 million.

Organic Modern Estate Website
via [Freshome]

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