Opera: A Luxurious Mobile Home?

Now I’m all about comfort and you know I love modern design but I just can’t imagine staying in the Opera by Axel Enthoven. This mobile home is suppose to resemble the Sydney Opera House. It includes two beds, a toilet, hot and cold water and LED lighting. Handmade with materials including hardwood, stainless steel and leather, Opera is truly posh. “The subtitle chosen is Your Suite in Nature to suggest the best of hotel rooms, but in the heart of nature in this case. The Opera allows you to stay in the most beautiful places, but with the luxury of a wine cabinet, warm-air heating, espresso bar and an enclosed teak veranda. This nomadic, contemporary living tent offers the quality of a luxury yacht combined with the outdoor feeling of camping under canvas.” But a luxurious mobile home? For some reason, my head can’t wrap around this idea. Is this the future of travel?

What are your thoughts? Via Dezeen

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