Elegant Tattoos of Tools Celebrate Professions Requiring Skilled Hands

Of all the possible ideas for tattoos designs, objects like a spatula and whisk seem like odd choices… unless you’re a chef. In an effort to (permanently) celebrate professions that require skilled hands, Korean tattoo artist Oozy etches their tools on his clients’ skin. The elegant linework depicts brushes, knives, and scissors, arranged in a neat row that shows off each item in intricate detail. They’re a symbolic, unconventional way to show your love of your chosen career.

Not all of Oozy’s work-centric tattoos include a tool lineup, though. He also features hands in motion as they brandish a pair of scissors or slice a fish with a sharp knife. These images, while relatively minimalist in their artistic approach, also demonstrate the beauty and skill that’s inherent in working with your hands.

In addition to tools, Oozy tattoos art history with glitch-inspired twist:

Oozy: Instagram | Facebook
via [Lost At E Minor]

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