Hilarious One Star Yelp Reviews of Gorgeous National Parks

When you think about the stunning natural beauty of places like the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone National Park, there should be nothing to complain about – or any National Park for that matter. Their gorgeous views, picturesque mountains, red rocks, and clear blue waters are truly a sight to behold. But, while most might share that opinion, there are some tourists who just weren’t satisfied and took to Yelp to make their voices heard.

The website Mashable did some research and compiled some one and two star reviews of National Parks around the United States. They found that disgusting bathrooms, bears, and someone named Ranger Weiner are just a few of the things that made visitors unhappy. And, for one person, the Grand Canyon was just a “really big hole in the ground.”

These are some of the excerpts from their reviews. When you consider what they’re complaining about and compare it to the visual splendor that was in front of them, it’s hilarious.

Above: Yellowstone National Park
Review by Mike M.

Carlsbad Caverns National Park
Review by Mark E.

Crater Lake National Park
Review by D L.

Denali National Park and Preserve
Review by Jamie M.

Grand Canyon National Park
Review by Brad M.

Joshua Tree National Park
Review by David W.

Mesa Verde National Park
Review by Doris D.

Zion National Park
Review by Bob P.

Sequoia National Park
Review by Alex G.

Yosemite National Park
Review by Bill G.

via [22 Words and Mashable]

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