Dynamic Photos of Ballet Dancers in Motion on the Streets of Puerto Rico

photo ballet dancer

Courtney Stohlton

After New York, Mexico, and Cuba, photographer Omar Z. Robles goes home with his set of ballet photos in Puerto Rico. As usual, the talented photographer recruited local ballerinas to participate in his shoot, capturing them in the urban landscape for breathtaking ballet dancer photos.

While in Puerto Rico to visit his ailing grandmother, Robles reflected on his roots and what it means to return home after time away. For him, coping with family hardship involved visiting the places of his youth, and capturing the nostalgia of times past. And, of course, as a photographer, these childhood memories naturally transformed into the backdrops for his photo shoots.

“These photographs carry a weight far more important than any other place I’ve visited recently,” Robles writes. “These photos are the way I bring home back with me.”

By injecting such personal experience into his work, Robles’ latest set of dance photography becomes that much more poignant. As the ballerinas shape their bodies, they are somehow also paying homage to the photographer’s past, creating art from the places that shaped his life.

And in light of recent world events, Robles is grateful that he can travel home freely and visit his elderly relatives. “As a Puerto Rican, I count myself lucky that I can freely visit home. I understand that as a privilege today, one sometimes takes for granted.”

Omar Robles takes to the streets of Puerto Rico to shoot these stunning photos of ballet dancers.

dance photos

Vianca E. Palacios

ballet photography

Camila M. Rosado

ballet dancer photos

Vianca E. Palacios

dance photos

Laura Valentín

photo of ballerina

Courtney Stolhton

photo of ballerina

Camila M. Rosado

contemporary ballet photos

Courtney Stohlton

ballet dancer photos

Laura Valentín

ballerina in movement

Courtney Stohlton

photos ballet dancers

Courtney Stohlton

photos ballet dancers

Laura Valentín

photos of ballerinas

Laura Valentín

female ballet dancer photo

Vianca E. Palacios

photos of ballerinas

Laura Valentín

Get a behind the scenes look at how Robles captures the spirit of dance in his photography.

Omar Z. Robles: Website | Instagram | Blog | Facebook

My Modern Met granted permission to use photos by Omar Z. Robles.

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