Photographer Photoshops Her Beloved Dog’s Face Onto Images of Pop Culture Icons

Photographer Olivia Lazer reimagines celebrities, television shows, and moments in history with the help of her Shiba Inu, Zelda. The captivating pooch adds an amusing, absurdist touch to iconic images and people, with her face now fused onto their human bodies. Thanks to Lazer’s keen digital skills—part of her career involves retouching—the seamless portraits take on a whole new meaning with Zelda’s strawberry-blonde snout.

David Bowie, Michael Jackson, Beyonce, and even the Golden Girls have been adapted to fit Lazer’s vision, which is part homage to Zelda as well as the moments and memories these photos represent. “I follow History in Pics on Facebook,” she explained on Reddit, “which shares a lot of great old photos, so whenever I see one pop up in my feed that I like, I pull it up in Photoshop and then browse my doggo [Zelda] library for a face that matches.”

Lazer’s series is ongoing, and she chronicles them all through Zelda’s Instagram, @zeldaboom. Follow along to see what she’ll become next!

Zelda: Instagram | Tumblr
Olivia Lazer: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Reddit

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