Yarn-Bombed Four-Car Locomotive Explodes with Color

While some crafters enjoy creating koozies for just about anything, famous yarn-bomber Olek has taken on the ambitious task of covering a four-car locomotive with her colorfully expressive, crocheted design. With a team of four assistants, the Polish-born, New York-based textile artist spent two full days, even working through a rainy downpour, to install the crocheted piece in Poland.

Olek tells Hi-Fructose, “I think I should call this train ‘deadly romance.’ I love it, but it almost killed me. I want to see it again, but I am avoiding it. It is calling my name. But I know how much pain it caused. I am totally in love with it, but hate it in the same time. If the natural progression is to make bigger better pieces, what should I make next? Can someone give me a plane? Or should I go to the moon?”

The crocheted locomotive is currently on display in Lodz, Poland through August 19, 2013.

Olek website
via [Colossal, Hi-Fructose]

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