Splitting Light Into Multiple Colorful Shadows

Olafur Eliasson is a Danish-Icelandic artist who experiments, develops, and installs all kinds of artworks and thought-provoking projects. Much of his art is very public, and viewer interactions are key to a full experience of the work. In Multiple Shadow House, visitors stand in front of a projected light in order to observe split-color shadows of their own figure on the wall. The division of light is a playful reinterpretation of a regular, everyday shadow. Viewers are inspired to reconsider understandings of light, shadow, and space.

A review explains that in Multiple Shadow House, “The user negotiates and constructs his or her own surroundings while experiencing subtleties of color, thrill of participation, and magic of science.” A row of bright lights lined up against the back of the room is all you need to experience this creative installation. The viewer has complete control over the shadow, and can move around the room to create new patterns of light.

It’s interesting to consider how the experience is different from one viewer to the next. As people of different shapes and sizes walk closer and farther away from the projection, the shadows change. As multiple viewers overlap with each other’s shadows, the spectacles of light become more or less complex, creating a personal experience of this unique project.

Olafur Eliasson’s website
via [Books, Paper, Scissors]

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