Artist Combines Naturalism with Geometry to Create Beautifully Surreal Tattoos

Istanbul-based artist Okan Ukun composes stunning tattoos using minimal amounts of lines and ink. The subtle, monochromatic body art combines bold geometric shapes with naturalistic subjects such as insects, trees, and animals, which use a stipple technique to give them a three-dimensional look. Together, the flat and realistic styles create surreal tattoos whose imagery leaves them open for artistic interpretation.

Ukun’s unique tattoos are the result of his meticulous process. He’s inspired by many things besides body art–like posters, notes, locations, logos, and graphics–so he asks his clients to provide him a variety of these images to use as working reference. Ukun also tailors his designs to the specific person and requests their body measurements. From these, he prepares three designs, and the client chooses the one they want as a tattoo.

If you’re curious about the meanings of his work, Ukun keeps a updated blog where he details the stories behind the tattoos he creates.

Okan Ukun: Website | Instagram
via [Fubiz]

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