Extremely Rare Multicolored Bird Sighting in New York Attracts Crowds of Avian Enthusiasts

Extremely rare sightings of a male Painted Bunting in Brooklyn, New York’s Prospect Park are ruffling the feathers of bird enthusiasts everywhere. The beautiful avian is typically found around Florida and Texas, spending winters in Mexico; very very rarely does it come as far north as New York. In fact, according to data on record, this is the “first male Painted Bunting that’s ever had a recorded visit to Brooklyn” making sightings of this little guy about as common as catching a glimpse of a unicorn.

This explains why the little fellow is causing hundreds of bird watchers and avian lovers to flock to the park, in hopes of a precious look as his colourful plumage. It is most likely that a wind blew him up north, and he was tempted to stay due to the unseasonably warm November the city experienced. With his vivid blue head and bright yellow shoulders that fade into a delicate green, the Painted Bunting is a beauty, well deserving of the celebrity status he has gained in New York.

Above image via @daisylanepaul

Image via Kirsten Luce

Image via Paul Chung

Image via Sean Sime

Image via Sean Sime

via: [Gothamist]

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