Kind Strangers Send 64 Pairs of Tiny Shoes to Chicken With Missing Toes So He Can Walk Around Easier


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Una publicación compartida por Nubz (@calliope.nubz.insta)

Some owners accessorize their pets to protect them from the elements or to simply add a little style to their look. But for a chicken named Nubz and his human, Meesh Davignon, the tiny shoes he wears around his home are so much more. After the chicken lost his toes, Davignon noticed he had trouble walking on hard surfaces. She wondered if giving him a pair of little dog boots would make a difference. Not only did they vastly improve things for Nubz, but they also turned him into a style icon.

Davignon, a dog walker from California, adopted Nubz when he was dealing with leg scale mites, the arachnoid parasites that ate up his toes. After nursing him back to health, a deep bond was forged between the two, and Nubz—a name in reference to his shortened toes—was welcomed into the family, which also includes dogs, cats, guinea pigs, and 11 other chickens.

The dog boots, which Davignon’s smallest pooch never used, took Nubz a while to get used to. In the end, though, they have worked wonders. “As he got more comfortable wearing his little shoes, I’d leave them on longer each time,” Davignon told The Washington Post. “Pretty soon, he was getting around a lot better than he did without them because they were great little mobility devices. I’d let him wear them to walk on wood chips and anything else that was rough on his feet.”

His boots were a massive success, turning him into a viral video star. Davignon has been open about Nubz’s journey, showing him getting around in his wheelchair and addressing his health scares. Moved by Nubz’s strength, his followers asked Davignon if they could send him some shoes for his collection.

As a result, Nubz was sent over 60 pairs of shoes, from bright yellow sandals and purple crocs to Converse sneakers and holiday boots. “I haven’t counted his shoes in months and thought it was more like 30,” she said. “I haven’t had to buy him a single pair because people keep sending them.” Despite the variety he now has access to, his favorite seem to be a pair of dark blue shoes that look like Ugg boots. “He’s pretty fast in those,” his human admits, “and seems to really enjoy wearing them.”

Overall, Davignon is thrilled to hear about the happiness her little chicken has brought into the lives of people around the world. She is also immensely grateful for the fans who have gone so far as to send him gifts or even pitch in for his hospital bills. Davignon says, “They’ve been a great blessing—it’s surreal to have so many people love my tiny little chicken.”

This is Nubz, a chicken that lost his toes to leg scale mites but has been nursed back to health by his human, Meesh Davignon.


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Una publicación compartida por Nubz (@calliope.nubz.insta)

After noticing his struggle to walk on hard surfaces, Davignon wondered if giving him a pair of little dog boots would make a difference. Not only did they vastly improve things for Nubz, but they also turned him into a style icon.


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Una publicación compartida por Nubz (@calliope.nubz.insta)

Now, his loving fans have sent him over 60 pairs of shoes. “They’ve been a great blessing,” Davignon says. “It’s surreal to have so many people love my tiny little chicken.”


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Una publicación compartida por Nubz (@calliope.nubz.insta)

Nubz the Chicken: Instagram
h/t: [Good News Network]

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