Clever Tea Packaging Comes in Book-Shaped Tins Inspired by Classic Novels

book-shaped tea tins novelteas puns

We all know that you’re not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but what about loose leaf tea? Inspired by the decorative jackets of iconic novels, pun-loving tea shop NovelTeas has brewed a collection of book-shaped tea tins that cleverly reference well-known literature and “reflect and arouse interest in certain classic masterpieces.”

Each colorful canister is cunningly disguised as a beautifully decorated hardback book. When opened, however, you won’t find any pages to flip through; instead, you’ll be treated to a bag of tasty tea. Every “book” features a different type of tea—including black, green, and herbal. To label each package, NovelTeas has come up with a series of punny takes on popular titles, like War and Peach (War and Peace), The Picture of Earl Grey (The Picture of Dorian Grey), Matcha Do About Nothing (Much Ado About Nothing), Oliver Lemon Twist (Oliver Twist), and Pride and Peppermint (Pride and Prejudice). The tins also feature original illustrations by independent artists that humorously infuse conventional cover art with a teatime twist. 

With NovelTeas, you don’t need to read between the lines to recognize this inherent relationship between a nice cup of tea and a good read. “Our product inspires readers – young and old – to indulge their imaginations and expand their world perspectives by means of the plots, themes, character portraits, ethics and values of timeless novels,” the quirky company explains. “In tandem, our organic teas and vintage works of art reflect the essential flavors and social implications of great literature. Collect, display, share, learn from, and teach by something delicious.” Drink—and read—up!

See the clever collection of book-shaped tea tins by NovelTeas below.

picture of earl grey book-shaped tea tins novelteas punswar and peach book-shaped tea tins novelteas punsdon quixotea book-shaped tea tins novelteas punsoliver lemon twist book-shaped tea tins novelteas punspride and peppermint book-shaped tea tins novelteas punsmatcha do about nothing book-shaped tea tins novelteas punsbook-shaped tea tins novelteas punswar and peach book-shaped tea tins novelteas punspride and peppermint book-shaped tea tins novelteas punsbook-shaped tea tins novelteas punsbook-shaped tea tins novelteas punsbook-shaped tea tins novelteas punsNovelTeas: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
h/t: [Mental Floss]

All images via NovelTeas.

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