Clever Designs Built With Repurposed Egg Shells

Rather than tossing out old egg shells, design firm Nosigner figured out a way to transform the fragile, cracked containers into beautiful products. The Japan-based company believes that all natural forms have the potential to function in unexpected ways, and, with that in mind, they developed this recycled planter, entitled Hatch, and an eggshell lamp, entitled Rebirth.

The Hatch planter provides nutrition to small seedlings, which can then happily grow and blossom into larger plants. Once the plants grow too large, the shells can be reabsorbed back into the earth in order to continue the cycle of life. In Rebirth, the weight of the eggs is distributed evenly throughout the complex structure, resulting in a self-sustaining, and naturally friendly, arrangement. Nosigner says, “Surrounded by artificiality in this day and age, there exists a strong desire to touch life, nature, and other ‘real’ things so as to reaffirm our existence.” By using the thin, delicate outer casings that once provided protection for new life, the used objects take on a symbolic meaning that ties people and nature together and achieves harmony between beauty and functionality.

Nosigner website
via [Spoon & Tamago]

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