Mesmerizing Hourglass Tells Time with Bubbles Instead of Sand

The sands of an hourglass can make you feel as though time is slipping away. Norihiko Terayama has created an object that, although shaped like an hourglass, has the opposite effect. The Awaglass replaces the minuscule pebbles with frothy bubbles that pass upwards at different speeds. Unlike a sandglass, which is used to mark the passing of moments, the Awaglass is meant to obscure them. Instead, you’ll get lost in its constant, fluid motion and remain in the present–not fixated on what you have to accomplish an hour from now.

Perfect for your desk, the soothing Awaglass comes in two sizes–large and small–and is available to purchase online.

Norihiko Terayama: Website | Spoon and Tamago Shop
via [Spoon and Tamago]

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