Photo Expert Creates Dreamy Fairytale Images of Animals in Unexpected Environments

Robert Jahns photomanipulation

A master of creating surreal photographic compositions, artist Robert Jahns‘ seamless compositions transport viewers into a world of dreamy whimsy. Whether “freezing” Venice’s Grand Canal or setting a pug high up in the air with colorful balloons, his layered photo manipulations always delight. Most recently, it’s his work featuring animals that caught our attention, each creature set into a fantasy situation so well executed, it almost seems real.

Using both his own images, as well as collaborating with photographers around the world, Jahns layers elements of the photographs together to achieve the desired result. As a perfectionist, work can take between two days and two weeks depending on the project, and he often revisits pieces, polishing them until they meet his creative vision.

For Jahns (also known Nois7), the recurring theme of animals throughout his work is purposeful. “I think some animals add a great mystical touch to a setting,” he tells My Modern Met. And it’s this wish to accentuate a sense of fantasy for viewers, and inspire them to dream, that drives his work. “I hope they can dream for a moment when they look at my work and can forget about their busy lives. People should dream bigger and really realize that this is the only life they live, and make it the best adventure.”

Whether that means reaching out and touching an elephant in India or spying a zebra tucked among multicolored hilltops, anything is possible when peeking into Jahns’ world. The bright fantasy he brings to each composition almost belies its true nature, as he nearly makes us believe that what we are seeing might actually be true.

Robert Jahns—also known as Nois7—is an expert at creating whimsical photo collages, which often include animals in unexpected locations.

Robert Jahns - Photomanipulation Artistdigital collages by Robert Jahnsdigital collages by Robert JahnsRobert Jahns photomanipulation

Jahns looks at thousands of images a day in order to keep himself inspired and creative.

Robert Jahns digital artistdigital collages by Robert Jahnsdigital collages by Robert JahnsRobert Jahns digital artistFairytale Animal Digital Art Robert Jahns PhotomanipulationFairytale Animal Digital Art Robert Jahns Photomanipulation

As a skilled photomanipulation artist, his digital collages are so realistic, you may have to look twice before understanding they aren’t real.

Robert Jahns - Photomanipulation ArtistRobert Jahns photomanipulationRobert Jahns photomanipulationRobert Jahns digital artRobert Jahns digital artist

Jahns also has a vast portfolio of digital art photos without any animals in them, and they’re just as enchanting.

Fairytale Animal Digital Art Robert Jahns PhotomanipulationFairytale Animal Digital Art Robert Jahns PhotomanipulationFairytale Animal Digital Art Robert Jahns PhotomanipulationFairytale Animal Digital Art Robert Jahns PhotomanipulationFairytale Animal Digital Art Robert Jahns PhotomanipulationFairytale Animal Digital Art Robert Jahns PhotomanipulationFairytale Animal Digital Art Robert Jahns PhotomanipulationFairytale Animal Digital Art Robert Jahns PhotomanipulationFairytale Animal Digital Art Robert Jahns PhotomanipulationRobert Jahns: Website | Facebook | Instagram

My Modern Met granted permission to use images by Robert Jahns.

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