Finding Solitary Movement in a Busy Crowd (Animated Gifs)

One is a series of GIFs by photographer Nicolas Ritter that hones in on the movement of a solitary subject. The creative mind behind the project says, “One focuses on the individual in a crowd. It particularly imitates the way in which the human eye observes: not viewing a crowd as a crowd, but observing little micro-scenes inside of it.” Like the cinemagraphs of Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg, Ritter captures an endless loop of subtle motion.

The photographer’s series, taking place entirely in London, singles out people in crowds to center our attention on them; though, at times, it proves to be difficult to find the moving subject. The animated GIF that Ritter created from a captured scene in Liverpool Station is like a visual game of Where’s Waldo? as one scours the breadth of the frame, saturated with bodies, in search of motion. There’s a sudden sigh of relief and a humorous feeling of accomplishment when one’s eyes are met with the girl lightly tapping her foot on the bottom right corner of the screen.

Nicolas Ritter website
via [etoday]

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