Colorful Paint Explosions Frozen in Time

Eruptions of color burst towards the viewer in these vibrant photographs, entitled Explosions, by Nick Knight. Based in London, the fashion photographer says he “consistently challenge[s] conventional notions of beauty.” Using an accessible medium that is typically associated with fine art, Knight found a way to stop time as lively paints scattered into splatters of color. As the liquids quickly dispersed throughout the air, Knight documented these stunning palettes of complementary tones and hues.

Through this work, the artist encourages his viewers to look at regular products like paint in new and creative ways. Viewers will speculate over what they may see in each visual abstraction. Maybe it’s a flower, maybe it’s a burst of stars in the sky. There is no correct answer to what the Knight created, and that’s part of his motivation.

He says, “Photography is about an understanding of the world around us. It’s a series of questions and no answers and that is just as it should be. I’m quite happy for it to be all the shades of gray and no black and white. I don’t think that should be simplified. Simplification in life is totally wrong.”

Nick Knight’s website
via [SlowShow]

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