Brilliantly Clear Nightscape Photos by Nicholas Roemmelt

For the Austria-based photographer and dentist Nicholas Roemmelt, inspiring nature scenes start in his own backyard – all he has to do is strap on a backpack and walk toward the mountains. From it and other travels, he captures gorgeous images of tranquil, scenic views. His nightscape photography reveals a countless amount of bright stars set against a dark, brilliantly-purple and blue sky.

Roemmelt says that he fell in love with working at night because it seems to have its own rules and a magical appearance. This type of photography has long exposure times and requires the patience of the photographer. It’s well worth the trouble, though. The results are pictures of the galaxy uninterrupted from urban light pollution as well as majestic rock formations that have an incredible presence once the sun goes down. In a fast pace world that always seems to be on the go, these images remind us to slow down and admire just how beautiful the world looks.

Nicholas Roemmelt website and 500px page
via [Illusion]

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