Spectacular Starry Skies Convey the Essence of the Universe

The mysterious beauty of the universe overhead can only be seen in the proper setting and not all of us have access to those places. Landscape and astro photographer Nicholas Buer is one of the lucky ones who, upon finding the right spot, has seen the universe reveal itself in all of its splendor.

Through his lens, Buer brings that experience to his viewers. He captures a fascinating world of unfathomable infinity that disappears from sight when the sun comes up. His extensive collection is filled with vibrant colors and brilliant light that is speckled across the night sky. With patience and long exposures, Buer captures the essence of each place. His photographs convey the harmony of the surrounding space and viewers will begin to feel the peace and tranquility of what it must be like to witness such immeasurable infinity first-hand.

Buer says, “Gazing up at the night sky has always filled me with a sense of wonder. Since advancements in DSLR technology I have been able to capture the night sky in a way I previously thought impossible and ever since my first successful capture of the milky way, I have been hooked.”

Nicholas Buer’s website
via [Triumphs of the Easily Amused]

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