High School Tradition Lets Seniors Dress Up For Fun, Pop Culture-Inspired ID Photos

Senior year of high school is filled with traditions. Some are formal, like prom and graduation, while others are informal and unique to a particular institution. For those entering their last year at North Farmington High School in Farmington Hill, Michigan, they’re encouraged to dress up for their school ID photos. But we’re not talking about a nice suit and tie. Instead, students don outrageous costumes and do not disappoint. In fact, the forthcoming graduating class always seems to top the previous year.

Pop culture plays an outsized role in the hilarious ID photos. Characters from television shows and movies are the most popular choice, from Cher Horowitz in the iconic 90s film Clueless to the soccer coach Ted Lasso from his beloved namesake television show. Costumes, however, only go so far. What sells these photos is the attitude that the kids bring to them. They embody the character—if only for a moment—to live on for the whole school year.

Scroll down for some of the best of this year’s school ID photos from North Farmington High School. To see even more, check out the NFHS Seniors Twitter page or search the hashtag #NFID23.

Every year, seniors at North Farmington High School dress up in costume for their school ID pictures.

Pop culture plays a big role in the photos…

…but it’s the attitude of the kids that really sells the whole look.

They embody the character—if only for a moment—to live on for the whole school year.

h/t: [Bored Panda]

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