New in the Shop: Hyperrealistic Still Life Paintings by Patrick Kramer

We have an exciting new addition to our online art store My Modern Shop! Artist Patrick Kramer creates hyperrealistic paintings of everyday life, from flowers and landscapes to women floating in mid-air. The 33-year-old Utah-based artist spends countless hours meticulously painting each of his pieces. In fact, his works are so realistic you might be fooled into thinking you’re looking at a photograph.

We’ll be selling eight of his works on My Modern Shop featuring three main subjects – fish, paint brushes and cameras.

In one of our favorite pieces, called Existential Confrontation, a goldfish swimming in a glass bowl comes face to face with his cracker counterpart. This playful work is just one of many lighthearted works by the artist. Make sure to visit his website to see more of his stunning pieces or visit My Modern Shop to pick one up as either a canvas or a print.




Inverted Convergence

Living on the Edge


The Optimist and the Pessimist

Patrick Kramer on My Modern Shop

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