Waterside Mural of a Blue Eye Watching the Lively Waves of the Ocean

Off the coast of France lies a mural that perfectly represents how man and nature interact with one another. This particular piece of artwork is a large-scale blue eye created by artist Cyrille Corlays (aka nutil). “The basic idea was to revitalize an abandoned place full of history: a world war 2 blockhaus, collapsed, almost lying on its side,” the muralist told StreetArtNews. While the eye itself is gorgeously realistic, the overall effect is quite eerie. Then again, that may be attributed to its location on a World War II bunker.

On the surface, it appears as though nutil painted an ordinary eye on a concrete wall, but there’s significance in the mural’s simplicity. The artist explains: “At first it was about [humanizing] this place with some poetry: before, the eye of the soldiers were watching the dead coming from the sea, and now there is this big blue eye, looking at the life and moves coming from waves movements, talks and answers, interactions of two creations coming from man and nature… and then also I’ve wanted to point out the damage that may [be caused by humans] at some sites (into the pupil, [I painted] the silhouette of the nuclear power plant from la hague).”

nutil: Website | Facebook | YouTube
via [StreetArtNews]

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