More Amazing 3D Illustrations That Pop Out at You by Nagai Hideyuki

Japanese artist Nagai Hideyuki has an incredible knack for seeing the potential for cool perspective drawings along flat surfaces. As we’ve seen before, all he needs are some colored pencils, charcoal, and a few notebooks to create his amazingly detailed illustrations that jump off the pages in lively and entertaining forms.

In his playful 3D art, Hideyuki has drawn everything from silly monsters emerging from paper to a colorful Spiderman who is poised and ready for action. The artist focuses on strong lights and shadows and uses multiple notebooks propped and angled to produce his clever illusions of depth.

From a direct view, the drawings magically transform into three dimensional scenes but the truth is revealed upon a closer inspection from various angles. To see the artist in action and learn some of his tricks, check out the two videos below.

Nagai Hideyuki’s website

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