Pet Fish Plays Nintendo Switch in Japan and Pays With Owner’s Credit Card

YouTuber's Pet Fish Play Nintendo Switch and Use Credit Card

Photo: Mutekimaru

Anyone who’s ever had their credit card stolen knows how stressful it can be. However, not many people can say that their card was used without their knowledge by their pet fish. And as unbelievable as that might sound, it’s what happened to a YouTube gamer named Mutekimaru. After a livestream event, the Japanese YouTuber discovered that his tetra fish logged into the Nintendo store and added 500 yen (about $4) to his account, exposing his credit card details to thousands of viewers in the process.

Mutekimaru previously installed motion-detecting software in his fish tanks, which allowed the fish to control the Nintendo Switch while they swam over a series of labeled squares. He would often livestream these events to the amusement of his followers. In one of these occurrences, however, the game crashed and Mutekimaru left the console for several hours. During this time, the game and livestream apparently rebooted and the fish continued using the Nintendo Switch.

While they were left unsupervised, the tetra fish didn’t limit their game playing to Pokémon and apparently logged into the Nintendo store twice. Not only that, but they were also somehow able to “check” the legal terms and conditions and set up a PayPal account—all through the motion-detecting software. Ultimately, their tomfoolery resulted in a 500 yen ($4) loss to Mutekimaru as well as having his credit card details revealed in the process. Even so, the incident was great entertainment for those following along, resulting in the event going viral on Twitter.

YouTuber Mutekimaru has pet fish who play the Nintendo Switch through a specially designed tank outfitted with motion detecting software.

But, unbeknownst to him, they wound up livestreaming their gameplay one day and paying for it with his credit card.

YouTuber's Pet Fish Play Nintendo Switch and Use Credit Card

Photo: Mutekimaru

You can watch the entire ordeal of the fish playing the Nintendo Switch in this video:

Mutekimaru: TwitterYouTube

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