Blindfolded Muslim Man Asks Parisians to Hug Him if They Trust Him

A Muslim man is working to promote humanity in the wake of the Paris attacks. Before the Place de la Rpublique, this man blindfolded himself and stood with two signs. One said, “I’m a Muslim, but I’m told that I’m a terrorist.” The other reads, “I trust you, do you trust me? If yes, hug me.”

As time went on, dozens of Parisians embraced the man in their arms. Some were smiling, while others cried as the man comforted them. Once the sun began to set, the Muslim man removed his blindfold and stated, “I want to tell you that ‘Muslim’ doesn’t necessarily mean ‘terrorist’. A terrorist is a terrorist, someone willing to kill another human being over nothing. A Muslim would never do that. Our religion forbids it.”

via [The Huffington Post, Mashable]

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