More Photos of Stunning Street Art Inside a Dilapidated Building in Paris

After posting about Tour Paris 13, the nine-story social housing tower in Paris that’s been transformed into one massive street art exhibition, we had this uneasy feeling that the pictures didn’t quite do the project justice. Lucky for us, photographer HBA_Jijo took over 370 photos of it, capturing incredible work after work in every imaginable space.

“I really wanted the artist to intervene on a whole space,” said Mehdi Ben Cheikh, the gallery owner who initiated the project. “I didn’t want the spectators to come and look at art. I wanted the spectators to come and enter an art work … which means there are things everywhere – we enter a room, and have to turn around in every direction to understand the surroundings.”

You have only a few days left to see this unique exhibition in person. Tour Paris 13 is free and open to the public for only five more days, and then the dilapidated building will be demolished, piece by piece. To give you a sense of how popular this exhibition is, according to Businessweek, visitors have lined up for to eight hours to walk inside Tour Paris 13.

Tour Paris 13 website
Photos via [HBA_JIJO]

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