Photos of Fearless “Monorail Cats” Who Expertly Balance on Narrow Beams

Monorail Cats by Sabrina Boem

From ancient Egyptian tomb decorations to modern day graphic design, cats have inspired artists for centuries. In fact, photographer Sabrina Boem is so intrigued by our feline friends that she’s dedicated years to capturing them on camera. The self-described “Catographer” first began photographing cats when she adopted her first stray just over 6 years ago, and has since gone on to work on several cat-related photo projects. One of her most recent collections explores the peculiar behavior of “monorail cats”—a term given to kitties that love to hang out along railings, branches, and other narrow platforms, making them look like monorail trains.

“I love cats in every situation and I find them so funny when they apply their cat logic to everyday life,” reveals Boem. “I’ve met many monorail cats while photographing colony cats: they love sleeping perched on the most uncomfortable places.” The photographer’s portfolio of black and white images features a range of kitty characters, showing there’s no space too small or narrow for their paws. Round, fluffy felines perch on tall tree stumps, and stealthy cats dart across precarious fences.

“My cats Sissi and Ricky […] are true experts of walking on the tiny rail of the fence in our yard,” reveals Boem. “They are truly amazing, only their little paws can walk steadily up there even when the rail is wet after the rain.” Boem’s photos show how each fearless feline is just like a talented acrobat (or catrobat) on a tightrope, displaying their impressive balancing skills. After all, they do have 9 lives.

You can see more of Boem’s ongoing portfolio of cat photos on Instagram.

Photographer Sabrina Boem captures the peculiar behavior of “monorail cats.”

Monorail Cats by Sabrina BoemMonorail Cats by Sabrina Boem

The term is given to fearless felines that when perched on narrow railings resemble monorail trains.

Monorail Cats by Sabrina BoemMonorail Cats by Sabrina BoemMonorail Cats by Sabrina BoemMonorail Cats by Sabrina Boem

Each cat is just like a talented acrobat (or catrobat) on a tightrope, displaying their impressive balancing skills.

Monorail Cats by Sabrina BoemMonorail Cats by Sabrina BoemMonorail Cats by Sabrina BoemMonorail Cats by Sabrina BoemMonorail Cats by Sabrina BoemMonorail Cats by Sabrina BoemMonorail Cats by Sabrina BoemMonorail Cats by Sabrina BoemMonorail Cats by Sabrina BoemMonorail Cats by Sabrina BoemMonorail Cats by Sabrina BoemMonorail Cats by Sabrina BoemMonorail Cats by Sabrina BoemMonorail Cats by Sabrina BoemMonorail Cats by Sabrina BoemMonorail Cats by Sabrina BoemMonorail Cats by Sabrina BoemMonorail Cats by Sabrina BoemMonorail Cats by Sabrina BoemMonorail Cats by Sabrina BoemMonorail Cats by Sabrina BoemSabrina Boem: Facebook | Instagram

My Modern Met granted permission to use photos by Sabrina Boem.

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