Man Builds Custom-Made Monopoly Board to Propose to His Girlfriend


Love is a game, right? Well one man named Justin Lebon decided to play for keeps, handcrafting a custom Monopoly board in order to propose to his girlfriend of four years, Michal Ott. He built the entire board from start to finish, with customized pieces designed to symbolize their love story. After the initial excitement of receiving the handmade board as a gift, Lebon encouraged Ott to play a round that he had rigged to end up with a proposal card and a ring—and Ott said yes!

As far as engagements go this one is definitely an adorable and unique way to pop the question. Posted to Reddit on Saturday, this quirky marriage proposal has quickly gone viral. You can see many more images of Lebon’s design and construction process on Imgur.


via: [Huffington PostReddit]

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