Striking Mixed-Media Portrait by Miss Bugs Bursts with Texture and Color

Miss Bugs–an artist team consisting of a Wales-born girl and a Bristol-born boy–recently unveiled their newest artwork, a mixed media masterpiece titled Dreamgaze. Measuring over 5 feet wide and nearly 4 feet tall, Dreamgaze is an eye-popping piece made of collage elements, gold leaf, and surgical blades cast in resin on wood and aluminum. The striking work depicts the profile of a young woman, her eyes trained ahead of her while an explosion of color and texture bursts from her head in the form of flowing hair.

Not much is known about the artist duo, who we’ve previously posted about here. Although the couple has been working together since early 2007, the only information on their website is a quote from Pablo Picasso: “If there is something to steal, I steal it!” This sums up their creative philosophy quite well, as the duo is known for taking iconic imagery from pop culture and art history and reforming it using collage and other mixed media methods.

In their words, “Artists don’t exist in a vacuum; they create work that is informed by what is going on around them, including what other artists are doing. Artists like Van Gogh and Gauguin, Picasso and Braque they fed off each other to some extent, which drove their work and the new concepts they were exploring forward. Each artist brings something new into the mix, moving ideas on and making the work their own.”

Miss Bugs’ website
Miss Bugs on Facebook
via [Just Art], [Don’t Panic]

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