Pic of the Day: Away with the Canaries

Few photos completely take my breath away the second I look at them. This is one of them. Away with the Canaries, shot by the ever talented photographer Miss Aniela, is a beautifully surreal image that she perfectly describes as “photo meets painting.”

During April 13 and 14, the London, UK-based photographer put on a dream-like event for pro and semi-pro photographers called The Fashion Shoot Experience. The basic idea is to overtake a unique location, in this case a luxury estate called the Water Mill Villa, and work with a professional team – like a world-class fashion designer and a a bevvy of beautiful models – to create high quality, fine art photos.

Taking a canary image she found on an Old Masters painting, A Girl with a Canary and Open Cage by Jean-Baptiste Greuze, she upsized, remastered, and duplicated it 200 fold to make it look as though the birds are finally free, flying away from the train of a yellow tulle dress.

Does it get any more magical than this?

Miss Aniela on Flickr

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