15+ Minimalist Cat Drawings That Are Hilarious But Totally Accurate

Cats never cease to delight us with their dashing good looks and penchant for striking just the right pose. From felines who inadvertently position themselves just like pin-up models to naturally two-faced chimera beauties, there’s no doubt that these furry friends are our creative muses. Their influence knows no bounds, and you don’t have to be an artist to express how they inspire you. The subreddit Minimal Cat Art is a place where people can share their own drawings of these fierce furballs with just a few simple lines.

The subreddit is “intended to be silly, under-detailed representations of cats, which are made funnier or more cute due to their crudeness of technique and/or lack of detail.” This idea of minimalism can be interpreted in a myriad of ways. Some Redditors draw the outline of the body and not much more, which transforms the animal from a feline into a strange, alien-like creature. Others take a more realistic approach and choose to highlight facial features or other defining characteristics. But regardless of the style, they all have the one idea in common: to represent cats that mean something to them and have fun doing it. “Our vision,” the subreddit states, “is to enjoy the art and be excellent to each other.”

Minimal Cat Art is a newly-launched subreddit (inspired by this Reddit post) that anyone can do. Just add your cat drawings to join!

Redditors are getting inspired by their felines and creating cat drawings.

The subreddit is called Minimal Cat Art, and it challenges you to distill your furry friend into a few lines.

Some interpretations make the cats look like aliens…

…while some are more realistic.

They invite anyone to join, so submit your own cat drawing!

Minimal Cat Art: Reddit

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